Monday, August 24, 2020


When you conjure up the most biggest failure of your life in your mind, you might get goosebumps and start feeling pessimistic. This is predominately because society has  presumed failure in a negative perspective and has closed their eyes to observe its brighter side. So, if you have failed recently or are even suffering through it currently, I want to offer you a glimmer of hope and positivity to let you know why it is okay to fail, no matter what anyone else tells you. And here we go.


1.Failure let you recognize your true potential

The art of failure ultimately paves your way to introduce yourself with your true worth in a more deeper sense.  After you fail, you would try again with  more harder efforts and try to unleash your actual potential. Consequently, the capacity and strength that was deep hidden inside you would find their way to bloom brightly.

2. You will get a next chance.

Let me tell you the most preponderant benefit of failing is to collect courage to stand up again. In other words, it provides a person noteworthy opportunities to stand up again with more reliable approach. So, be optimistic and consider your failure as a second chance. Remember, not everyone in life get such another attempt.

3. You will know the complexity of your goal.

Truly said " Not everything in life is easy to achieve". Also the achievement that is acquired without effort is not worthful. An intrepid walker who has failed badly will try to find out the deep reason why he failed. On this way, he will recognise the actual difficulty of the goal. Understand that, if you are not being able to climb up towards your success ,despite hard efforts, then it is not a piece of cake. Unknowingly or knowingly you are underestimating it's complexity. Hence, after falling down only, you will able to recognise the depth of your objective and it's darker side.

4. Failure makes you learn to fight with your hurdles.

 After failure, you reflect on life, developing new strategies to push through present day obstacles, finding new ways to approach old problems. Therefore, in this course of time, one can collect enough experience about fighting with life complications, which can be overwhelmingly beneficial in their later stage of life.

5.You will find out your true company.

It is often disheartening to see the people who claim to be your so called "true friends" wear the mask of enmity and jealousy behind your back. Fortunately, your unsuccessfulness would erase all your fake followers, after they stop getting benefits from you. Luckily, your state of failure will let you to recognise people and find your exact well wishers, who will be always by your side during your hard and crucial times.

6. Failure makes you alone and independent.

No Matter how much myriad of loved ones you have, you always have to taste the bitterness of your unsuccessfulness alone and find your way. After losing all fake friends, loneliness will surround you entirely. But don't worry , today or tomorrow you will definitely learn to survive alone by building up your strength. Hence, failure teaches you to fight your battle ceaselessly being alone and independent. 

7. Failure makes you more stronger.

 After walking through all Stroms of problems and several criticism that failure invites, ultimately the more stronger state of a mind and heart can be built. Just take an example of a diamond, which undergoes an extreme pressure and finally shines brightly. Similarly, all these hurdles will make you a strong person during your way.

8. You will learn to face critism.

The tag of failure undoubtedly, attracts enough attention towards you by the people around you. They continuously try to put more salt on your wound, in the name of your unfulfilled goal. Thus, after going through all this people's bullshits comments, you will learn to face them, if you are a strong-willed people.

9. It let you to discover your actual passion.

Sometimes in life, it happens like if you are not being able to achieve something, in spite of 

trying hard, then it might not be your cup of tea. You might be exploring your skills on the wrong field and this recognition will not light up ,unless you explore all of your, it's completely alright if your failure is creating a correct way for you.

10. keep you awake and motivated.

If you are highly thirsty for your success, then no matter how much time you fall, you will always get up again. That experience of failure is like a reminder button of your mobile phone, which  always keep you alert and awake. Along with this, the feeling of restlessness will always surround you, showering you with full of motivation between the way of your failure and success.

11. You will learn to push yourself.

  After failing several times, you would obviously learn to get up and encourage yourself to give an another shot. At that phase, you would be your own mentor and motivater. Also, next time, you would encourage yourself to try with more efforts by rectifying all your previous mistakes. And the efforts credit goes to the one and only, that's your failure.

12. You can encounter your fears.

 Undeniably, everyone get butterflies in their stomach, while tyring something new. After attempting several times, that fear no longer will follow you because you would have got already habituated about the proccess. Thus, remember, you can not encounter your major fears without failure.

13. You substantially learn more from failure than success.

 Direct success is pretty boring for some people, who loves challenges, as it does not provide platform for them to learn something new. So, if you do not walk into the way of preaching stones, you will never learn to endure such pain and collect essential experience, which can be extensively beneficial in your future.

14. You can be a better version of yourself after failing.

 It is intuitively obvious that nobody is born prefect from the womb. Everyone learn and grow through mistakes - we are humans after all, not robots. All these valuable lessons from mistakes mould a man into a better person, by imparting the knowledge and experience of hard work, patience and strong determination.

15.  Success tastes far sweeter after major failures.

 Just compare the taste of a fruit that you brought from the market and the one, which you had planted in your own garden. Undoubtedly, you get more satisfaction while eating the fruit grown by your own effort. The same case applies for the success accquired after several failure. Although falling down is disheartening, trust me when you reach to the ultimate goal after endless sacrifice and struggle,there's almost no greater feeling. It's the entire culmination of all your efforts and struggles, mental wrangling, overall weariness and physical tiredness that makes the success feel so wonderful. Hence, failure is an indispensable factor to experience such feeling in life.

So guys, stop tempting your mind because of your failure. Instead of that, just pick yourself up, reenergize yourself and give it an another try, which was done by the most successful people in our history. Remember one day when you would sieze your goal, people will not remember about how many times you failed, but only your success story. Just be cool and keep moving, no matter what other bullshits people say

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